Like Shelley and Lauren I want to extend a warm, fun, sensuous and sexy welcome to you.
Now, I have a secret to share...I'm spoiled as hell. I don't think I've cooked dinner for myself in at least a year. I'm blessed to have two awesome kids, but one of those kids happens to be a culinary whiz with the desire to open an exclusive restaurant someday. In JAPAN! And the US, and New Zealand, and who knows where else!
Born in California with parents from the South, we grew up with ecclectic tastes and were taught to try just about anything. I passed that on to my two kidlets. When my son was twelve, his favorite meal was sushi. Can't say that about too many twelve year old boys! My daughter loves anything with noodles but she's adventurous as well. Wait, that's not quite true - if there's lamb in, she won't come within smelling distance.
We do a lot of cooking around my house during the holidays. I'd like to share some recipes with you that you might enjoy...if you're not faint of heart! Mmwwaaahahaha! Here's the first:
My Daughter's Home Made Terriyaki Sauce (and she really does make it herself. She's too high-fallutin' to buy it from the store :D)
1/4 cup oil (any kind except olive)
3/4 cup sugar
3 large cloves of crushed garlic
1 Tblspoon powdered ginger (no you can't use dried pickled ginger!)
1 and 1/2 cups soy sauce
1 tsp of ground pepper
Heat the oil on medium-high in a heavy sauce pan. Whisk in sugar until mixture bubbles. Add garlic. Add half of the soy sauce and ginger until it's thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Then add pepper. Add the rest of the soy sauce in small amounts. Do not allow mixture to stop simmering. Cook to the desired thickness (never, EVER add flour or cornstarch to hurry it along or you're screwed).
This'll keep in the fridge for about six weeks and is so yummy it won't last that long. Still wonderin' why I haven't cooked in forever? This recipe came off the top of her head and I can guarantee it's gonna be GOOD!
If you have a favorite food you like to make, tell us what it is. Need some cooking ideas for something different for the holidays? Or have a food you love but have no idea how to make it, perhaps we'll have my kidlet make a recipe for you and post it here on the blog! We'll do this again before Thanksgiving, too.
And everyone who posts between now and 9:00 pm MST (that's mountain time) will be entered into a drawing for a download of ANY Dynamic Trio book. Winner announced at 9:30pm MST.
Have a perfect day!
TJ a/k/a The Spoiled Mom
I'm going to start grooming my children so at least one of them will be a cook! The oldest is pickier than his father (if such a thing is possible!) but the middle and the wee monster are as adventurous as I am so that's always fun.
The Teriaki Sauce sounds wondeful for tonight's dinner idea. I have to channel my inner cook daily, not a fun or easy task, and this sounds so easy. What a lucky mom.
Congratulations to the Dynamic Trio on your new blog!
You're kids are lucky that you raised them to be adventurous. It's only fair they pay you back in good food. :-)
Hey Tehya,
Girl, you've got to try this sauce. It's so good you'll slap yourself!
Yo Lauren,
Wee monster? Oh my goodness, that sounds like my son when he was little. He'd try any kind of food ('cause I made him) but he also loved to take things apart because he wanted to see how they worked. Anything! Including sticking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich into my brand new VCR when he was four! Blasted boy! Who happens to cook rice better than I can...and I'm a hell of a cook!
Cathy, girl, I really am soooo spoiled. My teens are awesome. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments where I'd like nothing more than to grab 'em by the collar and hoise 'em to the ceiling! But that's very rare... thankfully!
NJ, you are sooo telling the truth, woman! Now I'm just waiting for one of them to make it big so they can buy me a mansion! But they're still going to do the cooking!
NJ, you are sooo telling the truth, woman! Now I'm just waiting for one of them to make it big so they can buy me a mansion! But they're still going to do the cooking!
Hey Danny Dragon Lady!
Try this sauce, girl! Tell us what you think. And be sure to stay tuned because food happens to be one of my favorite subject. Well, food and hunky men!
Looks like a great recipe, TJ. My husband does most of the cooking for us. Says it helps him to relax. I'm a vegetarian while hubby eats enough meat for both of us. If you have some good vegetarian recipes that are quick and easy to make that would be cool. We're all about "fast" home-made food in our house :-)
My mother taught my brother, sister and I to cook when we were very young. It's a great skill to learn. So many people can't cook these days!
I like to make potato salad.
Hey Shelly,
Do you like Japanese food? My teenie bopper makes a mean...well just about anything, especially Japanese and many of those recipes don't require any meat. Do you eat fish? Raw, cooked or both? We'll hook you up, chicky!
Yo Jennybrat,
Did you know that most folks don't realize there are several different kind of potato salad? Whodda thought? I think potatoes and onions and a little salt/pepper and onions, right? Not necessarily. Do you like Southern style? German style? or Italian?
Tonight my little chicky made potstickers, the teriyaki sauce she recited the recipe for on today's blog and some kind of chicken that is out of this world. Woooo!
Next time, let's swap Thanksgiving dishes? Anybody like Cajun food?
Great receipe, I'll have to try it.
Congrats on your new blog site of you three gals. You lucky girl so you don't have to cook much, lol
I love spicy foods. Maybe you daughter has some suggestions to cook.
Hey Lisa,
Girl, it is some good stuff! Let me know how yours turns out.
Hi Shuck Ying!
I really am a lucky chick! Even my son can cook a decent meal. Not bad for a couple of teenagers!
Deborah, what kind of spicy food? We do cajun, thai, japanese, soul food, italian. Girl, you name it and we can come up with something for you!
Okay, sticking my hand into the hat (which I actually did last night be fell asleep before I could post!) Pulling out a little piece of paper...and the winner of any Dynamic Trio download is...TEHYA!
E-mail the title and format you want to D3@tjmichaels.com.
You have one week to claim your prize :D
TJ, anything meal spicy I love, especially it it's easy to make (gotta have it easy, lol). So if you have any suggestion sure I'll like to try it.
Hmmmm...okay, Deborah, we'll find something for you that's easy and yummy. Girl, trust me, I specialize in 'make it quick' :D
ROFL! Cathie, girl you are too funny! Perhaps we should have an "Ode To Cathie's Daughter" day! If we do, make sure she swings by to say hello.
And while everyone in my family can cook, I'm with you on the cleaning. My daughter has to have a muscket pointed at her left butt cheek to get her to break out the cleaning supplies!
lol my oldest child likes to bake except I can't get him to when I want him to rofl
Hey pamk,
Maybe the two of 'em can have a bake-off and we get to eat all the contest entries? Yeah, I could go for that!
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