Happy Almost Friday (thank goodness!)

But now that I have a minute, I'M GONNA CROW!
I don't usually do promos on my blog day and prefer to talk about typical life stuff that occurs in our everyday lives...but today I just can't help it!
As of Tuesday, I've sold my SEVENTH book this year! I'm twirling and whirling around in circles and just out of my mind with glee!
And the timing couldn't be more perfect. On Tuesday morning I received the most awful, just ridiculous news at work (I'm not fired, but what happened is probably worse) which I won't go into here...then a half hour later I received an e-mail with the contract offer!
So, SERATI'S FLAME, the follow up to my multicultural vampire book coming in February called CARINIAN'S SEEKER, is now under contract!
Now...I guess I have to go write it! And special thanks to LAUREN! She helped me get the goods ready for this proposal to go out and her insight and comments were invaluable.
Now I need to have some kind of celebration thingy for this. Got any ideas?
TJ *dizzy as hell from spinning around in her chair*
I'm sorry you had such a lousy time at work but just take heart that it will pass and be ancient history sooner then you think. Besides, you sold your seventh book and thats wonderful news!! Congratulations! You go! As for a celebration, I think you should go grab your family and friends and go out to celebrate. A night of movies, drinks and something special bought for yourself just because you want to. If you want to celebrate online, you can do that too. Make a webpage for your new book, invite people to visit and comment for a bookmark later on or something. Just opinions and ideas. But either way, congrats and dont let anyone get you down.
Congratulations! I didn't have a single doubt that they'd want it, it's a great story and I can't wait to see the whole thing.
Sorry for the sucky week at work. It's been an odd week all around. I had a major crisis of faith yesterday about writing in general. I feel better now but it's something in the air I think.
Buck up little cowgirl!
Awwww, thanks ladyvampire *sniff* You guys are so good to me! Waaaaahhhhh!
*tj pulling tissue for the happy tears*
Thanks soooo much for the encouragement, girl! And I think you're right - there just seems to be something going around right now where almost everyone I know is being challenged in one way or another. But I'm gonna get through this and take ladyvamps advice - celebration time!
Was part of the Samhain chat yesterday and got a chance to read the fantastic excerpts. How 'bout an ARC for a giveaway?
Hey Cathy,
CARINIAN'S SEEKER will be out in e-book format in Feb. and print a few months later. I'll have to ask my editor how to make an ARC available. Great idea!
Congrats, TJ.
Sorry about your bad week at work, TJ, but congratulations on another contract. You've had an exceptional year!
Thanks Lisa :D
Thanks NJ, I appreciate it, girl.
And I'm not giving up until you write me into a Dalakis story! Those brothers are hot! Don't they have a cousin or something that you could hook me up with?
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