New Year's Resolutions!

Well, with another blizzard blowing into Colorado I couldn't think of anything to blog about except the weather.
Then I remembered that a new year is coming (duh!). So, I thought about making some resolutions, but then changed my mind. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing, with the exception of getting more sleep (I tend to stay up late) and increasing my fitness level by adding one more day at the gym. That's about it.
So...I'll keep writing, working at my job, working out, and looking after my teenagers. Hell, that's enough. I certainly don't need to add anything to such a list :D Thankfully, I do a pretty good job at it...well, I could wash dishes more often instead of making my kids do it...Naahhh! No way!
Resolutions, anyone? Oh, and hot hunky men are automatically included in every female's resolution wishlist, so no need to note them *wink* (You know I'm kidding - the men of our dreams are always of note!)
I am a big procrastinator, so my list has stuff like, organize my book shelves, finish scrapbooking those last ten years of pictures (times 2 since I have twins),shred those 3 boxes of old documents that have been sitting in the office since summer,and finally, clean out the kitchen cabinets and give away those all those appliances that didn't see the light of day in 2006. Yeah, stuff like that. Yuk....
LOL! You know, I could probably put ALL that stuff on my list since it all needs to be done. But I know I ain't gonna do it, so what the heck?!
Happy New Year, chicklet :D
Mainly they revolve around writing, health and being with family - I try to keep it simple!
Keep warm! Are the kids back home yet or are they stuck?
Hey Lauren,
I'm with you on keeping it simple! Nope, no kids yet. They'll be back on Sunday - I'm believing the roads will be clear enough for me to get to the airport, dag-nabbit.
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