~ Piggybacking on Lauren ~
Pressure - Pressure - Pressure...
It's 11:00 a.m. here in Colorado and... I just woke up! Now it's 11:45 and it's taken me almost an hour to get this post up. First I'm frantic, then I stop and think, "Well, geez, it's the first time in a LONG time I've slept this late, and also the first time in awhile where I've actually gotten more than eight hours of sleep. Yep, last night I got nine hours. And believe it or not, I'm still tired! "
Fitness is very important to me, but because of my goofy schedule (work is nuts, writing is nuts, kids are nuts - macadamias, I think) I have not made time to go to the gym or work out like I normally would. And ya'll, I'm really starting to feel it.
So I'm getting ready to start a new program with the hopes of becoming one of the few in my state certified to teach it. It's a style of samurai sword training designed for people who don't have a umpteenth degree black belt...like me. Do I have some martial arts training? Sure, but it's been so long since I've done any of that stuff I don't think I'm flexible enough to do a good round-house kick anymore.
I can lift weights and bodybuild 'til the cows come home, but don't ask me to kick my leg higher than my shoulder! This particular program should give me back some flexibility while retaining the muscle I already have. I'm not going to recommend it until I see if it works for me or not. I'll let you know how it goes...
So here's my question ...actually I lied, it's more like two questions: What do you think about fitness? I'm sure everyone thinks it's important and it clearly has medical benefits, but on the other hand, everything is not for everyone. So what do you enjoy or what would you like to try?
Second question: I just love good looking men (I know that's not a question, but I'm getting there :D). I love men with all shades of skin and hair color, BUT WHAT I REALLY LOVE to look at are gorgeous, muscular, golden skinned men. I don't care if they had to tan to look that way, or they have naturally tan skin, like Native American's (of which I am part Lakota and Blackfeet), or Japanese, or Middle Eastern. Heck, even Siberian men are naturally tan. Cold (bbrrrrr) but naturally tan (*wink*).
What wets your whistle? I mean literally makes you want to whistle out loud when you see it? You don't necessarily have to have it, but you sure like to look at it! This is Eric Schweig - Last of the Mohicans, Alessandro Juliani - Battlestar Gallactica, and Jason Scott Lee...uh, lots of movies, including playing Bruce Lee in The Dragon.

I'm trying to think of a contest to go along with this, but coffee is required. Go ahead and participate and your name will go into the hat for a mystery prize (mmwwaahahaha).
TJ *off to find a cup of something brown with caffeine in it*
It's 11:00 a.m. here in Colorado and... I just woke up! Now it's 11:45 and it's taken me almost an hour to get this post up. First I'm frantic, then I stop and think, "Well, geez, it's the first time in a LONG time I've slept this late, and also the first time in awhile where I've actually gotten more than eight hours of sleep. Yep, last night I got nine hours. And believe it or not, I'm still tired! "
Fitness is very important to me, but because of my goofy schedule (work is nuts, writing is nuts, kids are nuts - macadamias, I think) I have not made time to go to the gym or work out like I normally would. And ya'll, I'm really starting to feel it.
So I'm getting ready to start a new program with the hopes of becoming one of the few in my state certified to teach it. It's a style of samurai sword training designed for people who don't have a umpteenth degree black belt...like me. Do I have some martial arts training? Sure, but it's been so long since I've done any of that stuff I don't think I'm flexible enough to do a good round-house kick anymore.
I can lift weights and bodybuild 'til the cows come home, but don't ask me to kick my leg higher than my shoulder! This particular program should give me back some flexibility while retaining the muscle I already have. I'm not going to recommend it until I see if it works for me or not. I'll let you know how it goes...
So here's my question ...actually I lied, it's more like two questions: What do you think about fitness? I'm sure everyone thinks it's important and it clearly has medical benefits, but on the other hand, everything is not for everyone. So what do you enjoy or what would you like to try?
Second question: I just love good looking men (I know that's not a question, but I'm getting there :D). I love men with all shades of skin and hair color, BUT WHAT I REALLY LOVE to look at are gorgeous, muscular, golden skinned men. I don't care if they had to tan to look that way, or they have naturally tan skin, like Native American's (of which I am part Lakota and Blackfeet), or Japanese, or Middle Eastern. Heck, even Siberian men are naturally tan. Cold (bbrrrrr) but naturally tan (*wink*).
What wets your whistle? I mean literally makes you want to whistle out loud when you see it? You don't necessarily have to have it, but you sure like to look at it! This is Eric Schweig - Last of the Mohicans, Alessandro Juliani - Battlestar Gallactica, and Jason Scott Lee...uh, lots of movies, including playing Bruce Lee in The Dragon.

I'm trying to think of a contest to go along with this, but coffee is required. Go ahead and participate and your name will go into the hat for a mystery prize (mmwwaahahaha).
TJ *off to find a cup of something brown with caffeine in it*
As I am a senior citizen, fitness for me is limited to walking and gardening. I also like tanned, buff, good looking men to look at.
I love Karate. Don't necessarily like the sparring but love the Kata's. I really liked to learn those. And I love to swim. I seriously need to get a pool. If I could exercise at something I liked that well. Maybe I could lose some more weight. I love dark haired men. Don't matter the eye color but the hair has to be dark. I really liked Aragon and Hugh Jackman yum. Which is really funny since my hubby is a red head.
I hate to exercise, and am a huge procrastinator. A dark haired hunk will always get my attention more than a blondie will. Give him an athletic build and green or blue eyes, and you will definitely wet my whistle.
Estella, you're awesome! My mom-in-law is seventy four and she walks circles around me!
Yo Pamk, Aragorn 'eh? I must admit, he's gorgeous. I loved Viggo Mortenson in Hidalgo, but he was darker in Lord of the Rings and oh so sexy!
Cathy, girl, I'm with you on the dark haired thing. I like red hair, but you have to have a certain look to pull it off on a man. Dark hair, gray eyes is my poison. But dark hair and stormy blue eyes, wooo baby!
I enjoy working out so I can certainly apppreciate not only the curves and muscles on a man, but also what it takes to get and stay that way. And heck yes, I will whistle! As for my type, well count me in for the dark type. Long lashed green eyes and long black hair will always get me. Good thing my boyfriend is exactly like that.
You are probably still tired because your body is used to getting less rest..now you have to adjust, lol.
Humm! I like all men who have gorgeous bodies, doesn't matter skin color. The buffed the better (yummy)
I am not a person who likes to exercise but I prefer walking.
I think any time of exercise is healthy for you. I commend you TJ for being able to do those karate stuff.
Men with toned and muscular bodies are my dream guys.
Any woman alive would pick a hunk with a jump me type body, lol.
I would even work up a sweat to watch these guys in actions.
I love men with dark hair and eyes. My husband has black hair and big brown eyes. He's also got an olive complexion and he's nice and muscly. Not overly so, not so much that he spends more time lifting weights than on his family, but he's got nice, hard shoulders, pecs and biceps and he used to be a long distance runner so I always want to take a bite out of his thighs. Oops, TMI!
My dad is Portugese so I suppose that's where I got the preference, LOL. Generally, I don't go much for blond men but Brad Pitt and Christian Bale are exceptions to that rule. Mmmm.
And yeah, don't let the pressure eat you alive hon.
My fitness is limited to playing with my kids and walking from one end of work to the other. But I wish I had the discipline to get up early and exercise I just am usually enjoying sleep too much to do that.
I love long, straight, well-maintained hair. My hubby had a pony tail when we met and dated but now keeps his head shaved, I miss his hair.
Hmmmm, seems like most of us really like the dark haired hunky type? EXCELLENT! I knew this was a group with good taste! LOL!
Thursday's post will have the name of the winner of our mystery prize, along with 6-Weird Things about the EC author I tagged!
i also go for the ""tall,drk and handsome"" types, i really didnt realisze it, till i was like 22, and the guy i was dating, made fun of the fact, there was rumors going around i was dating, this other guy, that was BLONDE, and he said,he knew it was lie, lol soooooooo i then figure out, ive been dating the same guy but differnt emtional men, who all looked alike or who all looked alike and was jackazzes
eric schweig was in the movie ""the missing"" he wsa the brujo that wsa way ugly and mean! hard to belive its was the same guy
but man i can watch, the last mohican for hourssssssss hitting the pause button with his face on screen
hmm think ill sign off, been a while since i digged out my dvds of the last mohicans...
glad i found this blog!
Hey Tami!
Welcome to the Dynamic Trio! There's always something going on here so check back for contests and such (like this one!)
And yes, girlfriend, I am also a Last of the Mohicans junkie. Eric Schweig played Uunkas and he was soooo fine! Wooo!
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