Monday, January 01, 2007

Indulging the Inner Child

Yesterday I was a bit later walking the dog than usual. It's been pretty quiet around here lately and when I passed the kids playground temptation hit me straight in the eye. The swings were all free and there wasn't a kid in sight. Ah-ha! I thought. I haven't had a swing for a long, long time. I really liked the idea. I skipped over and slid onto a swing. Moments later I was happily swinging with the wind whistling through my hair. What can I say? It was fun! Meanwhile the dog seemed quite happy sniffing at all the bushes so I carried on.

Then it happened.

Two little kids showed up on their bicycles. The two boys dropped their bikes on the ground and frowned at me while I continued swinging. They started to play on a climbing thingy that didn't look nearly as much fun as the swings and kept sending me furtive looks. Heck, the dog had worked out what was going on and she kept sending me embarrassed looks. I could almost read her mind.

"Get off the swings. What sort of owner are you? You're embarrassing me!"

Finally after a couple more swings to and fro I started to feel guilty. The adult in me told me to get off and stop being such a child. I climbed off, whistled the dog and when I looked back the two boys were playing on the swings.

I had to laugh, but damn, it was fun indulging my inner child.



Blogger Estella said...

Good for you, Shelley!

4:02 PM  
Blogger N.J.Walters said...

I haven't been swinging in years, but if I ever have a house, I'm having one! Good for you, Shelley!

8:57 PM  
Blogger Cathy M said...

I had to laugh, because I just got thru with the Playdough my kids got as a gag gift for Christmas. I had a blast, it was so fun just to indulge.
I applaud your inner child.

11:16 PM  

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