Help! I Have A Book To Read...

I'M SPOILED! So hooked on my eBook reader I've found myself re-reading books on my eBookwise rather than the new books I just picked up at the bookstore.
Why? Because most of my reading is done late at night in bed. I can read my eBook reader in the dark. If I fall asleep it'll turn itself off. I can read and flip pages with one hand. It's nice to lay on my side, propped up on pillows and enjoying my book...and not have to move anything but a finger.
I still have bookshelves and boxes stuffed with great books I've read. But until my two recent paperback purchases, all of my last one hundred and fifty or so books (I've lost count) were all eBooks.
Do you have a preference? If so, why? Most important, can you recommend a good e-diction therapist?!
I know what you mean I received a ebookwise for Christmas and i love it. it goes everywhere with me. And I've fallen asleep with it to. i can already see a chance in my reading habits I'm using it more than I'm reading in print. Only thing I'm having a problem with is converting some of my pdf's
I love my ebookwise reader. At first it was an easier way to read stories that only came in ebook format, but now, I put all my favorite authors books on it. I take it with me everywhere too.
Most of my book purchases are ebooks these days as well. Paperbacks are really expensive in NZ (we pay between 20 - 30 for paperback. Trade paperbacks can be up to $40) so ebooks are a reasonable price for me. I have a PDA I read my books on and it goes everywhere with me.
Hey Liz,
I heard eBookwise is looking into a plug-in or upgrade that'll allow us to upload .pdf's. I'll keep my eyes open.
Cathy you have an eBookwise, too? Do you ever buy anything from or I find that I use it mostly to get content onto my e-reader. I bought a couple of books from them then found out later that secured books don't read correctly on the darned eReader. Their support dept. was nice about it and helped me work around it since it's a known problem that they don't happen to post anywhere :D
Good lord, Shelley! Why in the world to paperbacks cost so much in NZ?
They have to ship them here and we have goods and services tax on them. Also I guess it's not as easy for booksellers to return them for credits. Really, ebooks are much easier!
Hi TJ,
I do buy at Fictionwise, usually the new releases that are on sale. I belong to the fictionwise buyer's club, so books are always cheaper for me than buying at ebookwise website. Plus I like the Bookshelf feature that fictionwise has.
I read from the computer, but I do read quite a few e-books. Love that I can buy a book whenever I'm in the mood to read.
I still love the feel of a paperback book though. Nothing quite like it. *g*
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